So we all know by now that EK A380 fleet aren’t bringing in the money compared to the main fleet… Because they’re all busy partying on not one, nah, but TWO yachts in Dubai ! So, before you go anywhere else, press play :
So imagine a truck load of insanely dressed tweens causing havoc in the Upper East Side of Dubai, 4 days after Haloween ! I particularly like these two outfits :
It was Mae’s 30th Birthday and being just after Haloween, they had to make these costumes worth their money right so here’s the rest of my delightful ROBLOCHON MAFIA, outfitted for this very special occasion :
In other news.
OMG tu as fait un post sur mon anniv’, je suis flattee 🙂
C etait une superbe journee, on aurait aime que tu sois parmis nous…
Bizz et a tres vite sur Paris
Sodwee can u untag me on this. I have a job interview for private flying next week, and I m trying to un google me. Thxs