As you may now have heard we will be broadcasting a pre-recording of some songs and other bits on New Years Eve..
you will be able to view it online from here at midnight new years eve, uk time that is…this is a wee celebration of the release of the physical manifestation of ‘in rainbows’.
Wait a minute, people are actually going to buy this physical manifestation in stores? (Yes, I did pay $90 for the Discbox and its lovely, thank you.) Thom must be referring to all of the Brazilians, Argentineans, Japanese and his own mother who somewhow missed out on it.
Watch the webcast, going by the very Radioheadish name of ’scotch_mist’ on ‘live’ on January 1st, 11am Sydney time, or subscribe to the In Rainbows podcast here. But hey, I’m sure the widget I installed on your mum’s Facebook would have told you all this already, right?