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Hey just returned from a pleasant trip over to Singapore and Melbourne. The crew was very entertaining, from Captain to Grade2’s I think we all had a great time enjoying ourselves. We landed in Singapore for our first stop and I had ONE objective in mind : Getting myself kitted out with a brand new MacBook at a discounted price compared to other countries I’ve been to so far. So dumped my suitcase at the hotel and I jumped in a cab to Orchard Road, the main shopping strip in SIN. I had reviewed the shopping places I was most likely to find the desired object. The name of the shop is iShop, it’s an authorized Apple Reseller and it looks like any other Apple Retail Store… Went in, pointed at what I wanted (the black MacBook), got the credit card out and literally burnt the damn chip !! I must of spent 15 minutes in the shop to the surprise of the sellers in there. Not used to see such an easy customer. They offered me a neoprene sleeve for good custom ! Got a cab back to the hotel and started fiddling with my new toy… I’m in trance with the video-conferencing on Skype with NotherOfSodwee and the rest of the family !!! The only downside for the moment is that I’m used to the french keyboard and typing has never felt like such a burden before ! But I’m getting used to it as I’m typing more and more.

Next stop on the route was Melbourne with 17 hours layover. Enough time to meet the crew downstairs for a few beers and a laugh. Good times. Some sleep and we were off again bound to Singapore. Where we had agreed to go out for the night. The SFS had some friends there so they could take us to the Attica nightclub for free and with VIP passes too. All this on a Friday night !! Pictures below…


After a good nightout, finished off with a Breakfast at 6 am at McDonalds. Treating myself to a McCriddle, yek, disgusting thing I still have the backtaste after 2 days !

All in all a good trip, check out the video also, for some live report. I’m officially on leave now, will be leaving on the 24th for Paris, I will keep you updated from there. In the meantime, have fun !

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