Dark Light

To the thousands who tried to call me in the past few days, just wanted to say that key #3 on the keypad of my 3 month old Moto Razr as called it a day. And the number 3 happens to be part of the PIN code used to unlock the hackin’ device. So I’m left with no phone what so ever because my french snazy iPhone is endlessly searching for a network here in Dubai and I can’t receive nor send text messages or even make calls. Fiona, that is why… I’m left with my landline, but the cord isn’t long enough to follow outside the flat. Also I’m glad to say my Turnathon as ended in great style with a Dubai – Bombay – Dubai and an hour and a half buse ride from aircraft to new CBC to home. Awesome, I’m now looking forward to my HKGs (Hong Kong) if the swap for a NGO (Nagoya, Japan) do not come through.

Some news from South and Central America where my folks are having a blast. So far they’ve been watching Turtles lay eggs in front of the Pacific ocean, swam in the Pacific. Walked round active and non-active volcanos, drinking local beer called Tano, dipped in thermal natural springs, making friends with the locals and took hundred of pictures. So MotherOfSodwee promised a little stint on the blog in the form of a blog post or even a video post if you guys are lucky… They should be back in Paris sooner or later, I’m not synced with their plans so it’s only a wild guess. I figure they’ll Skype me as soon as they hit Paris. Hey, by the way you haven’t met my parents. I think I have the puuuuurrrrfect picture for a first encounter. Meet my folks (click image to enlarge picture) :

Meet my folks.

This was taken at my Dad’s 50th birthday party held in Paris, the theme for the night was Insects/Flowers for the crazy english lot, and “Back to the 50’s” for the more down to earth frenchies. It was one hell of a party. I didn’t expect that many people turning up in costumes and. One of my folks friends turned up in a complete cardboard Cockroach outfit…. HILARIOUS. I’ll post the entire photo collector collection as soon as I get the green light from Father/Mother.

Voila. another day, another blog post. Tomorrow I’ll be phone hunting at Carrefour in Mall Of The Emirates. OOOh joy.

  1. Father and Mother of Sodwee give green light to post an “elegant” selection of the Ladyboy’s party photos – ie only the ones where one is shown to advantage, as one must keep one’s reputation intact darling…..and I’m speaking of Father of sodwee here, because as you know Mother of Sodwee is always seamlessly ney breathtakingly faultless in that sector……..
    F & M of Sodwee will send a post of the Central American shenanigins asap….what an amazing part of the world…..but right now priority N°1 is stacking the ZZZZZZZ’s, hitting the sack, succombing to a MEGA NAP ATTACK etc etc big kiss sweet pea sodwee xxxxxx

  2. Wow I’m impressed, a link up on New York Entertainmet, cool stuff young man, keep it rocking……

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