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Hello people. News has leaked in the past day or so. So I thought I might just push it further…. Just because I can.

Revealed by french l’Express daily newspaper (see screen capture below), Jack White‘s Third Man Records label is currently planning to set-up a tribute festival in the heart of Paris as soon as Spring 2015. Coinciding – most certainly – with The Dead Weather tour we were promised at the beginning of the year to support the upcoming 2015 release of the album.

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The event is supposedly backed by the brilliant Jack White, the Third Man himself, and should take place in spring 2015 at Le Divan du Monde and le Trianon venue. Two small-ish locations for an intimate setting.

Third Man Records in Paris - News - sodwee.com - Jack White

We’re, evidently, über-excited to share this news with you guys as we are DIE HARD FANS of Jack White‘s endeavors in the musical realm. Not only with the first francophone fansite dedicated to the man and everything revolving around his genius but also because we’re in 190% with the organizers on this adventure ! We had wanted a ephemeral event since we started, in the shape of a Pop-up store or some kind of tribute festival and, well, we are getting precisely what we asked for it seems.

10511159_927624020585868_1851156122521845616_nThe Third Man Records festival in Paris should be held over a couple days by the looks of things and should see an array of artists sourced locally and internationally. With the emphasis on Blues and Rock’n’Roll it is sure to attract thousands of fans from around Europe.

For the occasion, organizers should also have a pop-up record store during the event. Selling limited editions of vinyls only usually found in Nashville, Tennessee along with the crazy merch we’ve become accustomed to when Third Man Records drops by in Paris… In short, Jack White fans should start saving some money. Maybe, even the man himself will show his face and jam along ?? Who knows.

If, like us, you’re too giddy to actually speak a word at this point you should read more and join our team of dedicated informants based at facebook.com/whitestripesfr : Sabby, FX, Johan, Nicolas and the others… Of course we’ll let you know as soon as we have further information 😉 on the matter.

Third Man Records in Paris - News - sodwee.com - Jack White

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