Dark Light

Sunday started off with a climatic Welsh classic. Nooooooo, not steaming tropical temperatures with a 100% humidity… But JUST a 100% humidity. However, undeterred and undaunted and once we’d fitted windscreen wipers to our sunglasses, and put the platforms soles on the wellies, we were ready to rock.

First the heavy mob, mucked out the byre getting rid of prehistoric poop and a rotten IKEA style shed. We used it for firewood. After warming up the muscles, we all had a well earned rest multi-tasting Granny’s home-made cakes & biscuits (I have one right now in my gob).

Ben & Vivienne on quad bike, Llandre, Wales, UK

The afternoon was spent with a ramble over the back fields to Dole & Vicky and Gwynant’s (pronounced gwi-nant) where yours truly strutted his stuff on the Quad Bike (photos below). Mum in a strategic move, managed to hitch a lift on the back of that devil machine which she regreted deeply only moments later. We started off well. After a quick ascension to the top of the fields (bear in mind, Wales is a hilly place), we stopped, or should I say stalled to admire the view and take a few pictures. However, when we started up again, the quad wouldn’t tick over. Leaving us high, literally, and dry. My fore-fingers were about to drop off when Mum decided to take things in hand, meaning running back down the fields for help, which wasn’t long in coming in the shape of a Masey-Ferguson driven by Gwynant. With a quick flip of a spanner, pushing a couple of buttons the show was back on the road. We left leaving a flock of hungry and bitterly disappointed sheep who thought we were bringing nuts for their daily diet.

Monday strikes with another climatic classic : SUNSHINE & BLUE SKY. But instead of going for the great outdoors that our beloved country has to offer. We as city dwellers, favoured a warm shopping spree. Gathering for the upcoming summer shenanigans. I bought a pair of tacky & inexpensive swimming shorts. Making me the best suited guy on the beach this year. Cool shades were also part of the list. Shoes, t-shirt made their way into the swag bag before we called it a day and headed home.

Here’s a selection of pictures I took in Wales…. Click the Thumbnails to enlarge.

Aberystwyth Art CenterNick on Ferry with Gin & TonicPortmeironBorth beachBath GrafittiBen on the QuadbikeGwynant, Ben & VivBen & VivHMSsGranny, Ben, Viv, NickYnyslasBen, Llandre, Ceredigion, WalesLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesHMSsViv on the QuadbikeGranny, Ben, Viv, NicksheepIMG_2243Bath GrafittiGwynant, Ben & VivLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesYnyslasBen & NickLlandre hillsBen on Ferry with Gin & TonicGranny, Viv, Nick & BenBen & VivBen & NickBen & VivBen & NickNick & MegLlandre hill topsBen & Nick @ PortmeironBen & NickLlandre hillsBathBen on Ferry with Gin & TonicPortmeironSalisbury CathedralBen & Nick on Ferry with Gin & TonicJabot  BenBath GrafittiNick on Ferry with Gin & TonicLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesLlandre, Ceredigion, WalesHMSsBen on Ferry with Gin & TonicNick in AberystwythBen on quadbikeHMSsGwynant, Ben & VivIMG_2194.JPGNick, Granny & BenViv on the QuadbikeBorth beachHMSsGranny & Ben - Llandre, Ceredigion, Wales

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