Dark Light

She is 25. Has a soft corner for David Attenborough‘s soothing voice as her interview by Pigs+Planes suggests. From Norway, bipolar and with her debut single “Sway”, Anna Of The North has already being taken care of by Brooklyn based indie label Honeymoon standing on top of an equally promising cover version of Donna Lewis’ 1996 hit single “I Love You Always Forever” (Donna Lewis is Welsh by the way…). Anna is set to make waves. Listen to her two tracks and get a following going as she’s on the brink of glory. Her Dreamy-poppy-electronic approach manages and quite frankly succeeds at beeing grown-up and not another indie-pop caricature we get to hear too often these days.

It does really feels like carefully balancing a melting ice-cube on your neck on a steamy, humid day !

[title subtitle=”Donna Lewis (cover) I Love You Always Forever”]Anna Of The North – ILYAF 1996[/title]

Anna Of The North - sodwee.com


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