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After answering over 20 emails about tattoos and Emirates policy about them let me make things clearer. You can have tattoos, but as you’re working in a customer service environment it needs to be ultra discreet. It should not interfere with the relationship you build with a customer. A tattoo might be seen as rude/disgraceful/etc etc by another person while you might think it’s the most beautiful/coolest/arty thing you’ve ever seen. That can create a great gap in customer service. This is why Emirates has a policy about it. And here is how they picture it :

A tattoo with Emirates is OK, only and ONLY IF it is below neck meaning underneath the collar (further away from collar the better) and above knees. Tattoos should NOT appear at any time under any circumstances. YES they will ask you if you have any tattoos during the interview, this is for post-mortem issues as they say. But of course it is also for them to know if it’s OK. Yes many crew here have tattoos. Two girls from my batch got sent home (yes sent back to their home country) after the medical visit because their tattoo was showing and they didn’t say. So be sure to say you have a tattoo or else try your luck, but don’t blame them if they find out

Hope this makes things clearer. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, check the FAQ before you send me an email, might it be on Facebook, or other forums. The answer you’re looking for is probably already there ! Now, if you have a question, you see it as not yet been answered and you’ve use the search option at the top of this page (underneath the logo) you are welcome to send me an email or use the FAQ form…

  1. Im joining Emirates next month I guess..(they keep on changing my date of joining so whatever..) and im wondering if i would be sent home too just bcause i have a birthmark.. what they told us here in the Manila was its ok as long as it can be concealed.. just kind of thinking, after reading this post, of course its just the agency here who said so, i dnt know if ek would say the same.. thanks!

  2. FYI PPL.
    I know a girl who had a tattoo discovered on her neck… the only condition to keep her job was to have it surgically removed. so she did. Biiiiig Scars. They fired her anyway. good luck joining.

  3. I have a tatto on my foot, it is possible to hide it whilst in uniform… but im worried Emirates will not see it that way. Will this completely ruin my chances of being chosen?

    1. Yes! I went and it was covered on my foot with makeup. They asked me and was honest because you sign a form once hired that you didnt lie! DO NOT BOTHER if you have visible tattoos they dont let you cover them as all girls say they will and have slipped up. NOT ALLOWED!

  4. im going for my second interview this saturday and i AM SCARED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the first interview was too easy where they measure the height, ask “tell me about yourself” & “living in dubai”…
    i wonder what they will ask on d second interview? anything difficult?sigh~

  5. hi i have a tattoo in my right leg on my shin… do you think i should not apply for a cabin crew member with emirates? there is no use applying if there are strict regulations!!

  6. HI! so it doens`t matter if the male-crew wOrks with long sleeved shirts , NO TATTOOS ALLOWED ON ARMS for men also???

  7. Hey please do answer me back in need of your help badly! You seem to know so many things about being a cabin crew 🙂

    I have a tattoo on my lower back, I applied for Oman air and the Omani asked me if I have a tattoo on my back he was just pointing on the shoulder blade area though, so I said I didn’t have any. But if I’m going to have my medical here I don’t have any intentions in hiding it anymore. So do u think that’ll be a disqualification for me?

  8. i am a 20 years old male and going to qatar airways open day . I have a tattoo on my right shoulder but i dont think they will b able to see it even with the short sleeved shirt. Do you guys think i should tell em or not. Plz respond. Thank you…

  9. I guess a scar seen on the shin is as bad as a tattoo right?
    I went to the final of Qatar and honestly showed them my scar which couldn’t be covered by semi-transparent stockings. Would it lower my chance of being selected? Thanks!

    1. Natural Marks and scars are truly subjective to the interviewers judgement and there discretion on how it will affect u r presentabaility.

  10. Hi,

    I work as cabin crew for EK. For men, you can have tattoos on your arms, legs, shin because you wear socks, long pants and long sleeve shirt. For ladies NO tattoos on neck, mid way down your arm, feet or lower legs. Don’t bother because they just won’t hire you. My friend got to the end of the 2nd day and when they asked us and she showed the tatt on her neck, she was eliminated… i have one on my lower back, i told them and it’s fine.

    1. Hello. Im a Male and Im going to join an airline this month. I have a tattoo on my forearm I did not tell about.Is it risky during work, medical examination & training? Am I going to be rejected? Beering it wont appear under uniform. Im very worried 10x

  11. hey, i have a fren who has a tattoo on her back. it’s directly below the back of the neck. will she be rejected?

  12. Hi guys! I have a question, my sister got accepted to work in emirates cabin crew. We’re really close so we wanted to get matching tattoos, specially since she’s leaving =[ I was wondering if it would be a problem to get one now, after she’s been accepted (it’s on her shoulder, so it’s in the ‘ok go’ area)

  13. I have just been selected as crew at qatar. While in interview i had only one tattoo on my lower waist and they said it is ok. After that while waiting to go over there, i have a new tattoo underneath collar shirt way down my neck which is not visible with a collar shirt. But I was thinking should i tell them i had a new tattoo? How and when should i tell them if it is neccessary? Please advice.

  14. Hi guys.. I just got accepted into emirates. I have a tattoo on my back, shoulder blade area, which is pretty big, about palm size. I didn’t tell them during the interview that I have one because it was in the OK GO area. But now, I’m starting to freak out if anything can happen if they did saw that I have one. Also, I know the emirates blouse for girls is white. I’m just not too sure if it’s see through…. Please advice.. Thank you!

    1. Hi Miss, I’m in the same situation with you. What should I do now? Please advise and share your experiences! Highly appreciate!

  15. Hi Sodwee

    I have a butterfly above my right ankle. Do you forsee that as a problem?

    I would appreciate and urgent response, as I’m meeting with them in 3 days.

    Many thanks


      1. what about behind the ear ? the low bun does cover my tattoo! and a watch to cover the wrist ????

    1. Hi Jade! did u went to the open day cabin crew? there was a problem when u told them tht u have a tatto?
      I also have a lil tatto in my right ankle… aiai…
      thank u

  16. hi everyone,

    i’m having the recruitment day with emirates in a week and..i have a tattoo on my right ankle, a little flower. i was wondering what to do during recruitment day as they want us to wear skirt and skin colored stockings. should i cover it but declare it?i am not sure because in the requirements it says ‘no visible tattoos whilst in uniform’ BUT emirates has pants uniform for girls and as i have been told from an insider cabin crew you’re free to choose what to wear.

    could you help please??

    thanks a lot!

  17. hi im Johanna,

    i have a tattoo on my right foot on d side, is it ok if i cover it up with make-up concealer etc, on the recruitmen day, but tell them if they ask and say that i can cover it up by myself using make-up?

  18. Thanks Sodwee! Just wished i’d read your page before i went to the emirates open day and assessment day… Got eliminated just after i tolf them about the tattoo on my ankle, which wasn’t visible after concealing with makeup and stockings but i could tell by the reaction of the recruiter that she thought “damn, why did you have to have one of those!” Aaaanyway, now i’m going to get it removed and try my luck again. Also, how strict are they on the 6month rule?
    Thanks again!

    1. Arf bummer. yeah try it again, I’m sure they won’t mind if you tell them why you are reapplying within the 6 months. It’s not like you got rejected because of experience or something… give it a go

  19. hey sodwee,i got a couple of tattoo;s one on the inside of my right arm above elbow and the other on my shoulder blade..i really need to know if its gonna be a barrier during the selection process!!!pls reply soon….

  20. Hi Sodwee

    I have a small tattoo on the inside of my left wrist which I hate and put makeup and a watch over, daily. Should I tell them about it or just leave it? I also have small tattoos on my feet which are easily covered with make up, stockings and shoes. Again, tell them and be honest or try my luck?

    1. Hi Megan, I’m in the same situation with you. But my tattoo can be covered by uniform. Could you please share your experiences? Did you tell them or just leave it?

  21. I have a question, I know you mentioned no tattoos allowed, but I have one tattoo below my ankle bone like on this picture where’s almost 3/4 of it is hidden with shoe since it’s 1,5 cm x 2 cm
    Should I cover it (don’t say the truth) and get an appointment for removal until I am hired or I should better stay home or go there cover it and say the truth. I am definitely willing to remove it but why should I invest in it If it’s not even 100% sure I am going to be hired?
    Open day is on 5th of January so I’d be really glad if you’d answer my question asap. THX a lot in advance.M.

  22. hi, I have one tatoos the words ” I love Jesus” on my wrist. Is it OK? I think with the uniform It is invisible tatoo.

  23. Hello! I also have a little star in my ankle… but with mousse stockings we can’t see… is there a problem? … thanks for the help

  24. Is it acceptable for a male cabin crew to have a tattoo on their forearm? It’s never been a problem for me as I’ve worked the last few years as a pilot in full sleeve shirts. But was wondering if it’d be an issue with Emirates if their uniforms involved short sleeves?

    1. I have a small tattoo on the back side of my arm, at the folding part behind the elbow. Is that a no go zone? Pls reply. Applying for Emirates.

  25. Hi! I’m Monica,
    I would love to be a F.A. for Emirates! However I have a tattoo above my elbow on the inner part of my arm. (Not visible if arms are down) I’m not sure if the uniform would cover or how long the sleeves are. Would I be okay?

  26. Hello,
    I wanted to know if a completely arm tattoo was a problem to apply in emirates? knowing that nothing exceeds a long sleeve.
    I want to know before applying, thank you

      1. Hi Sodwee, I’m waiting for my joining date as a ground staff for an Airline. I got a small tattoo on my right shoulder in the back and it can be covered by uniform. But I didn’t state that I had it in the FI.
        Should I tell them about it now or just go?
        I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon! Thanks.

  27. Hi, I have very small tattoos on my wrist, foot and back of neck, all easily covered, should I even bother attending the open day i’ve been invited to? The one on my wrist is arabic, think that might get them to cut a little slack? 😛

  28. How about pilot crews, if there are big and cover a large area upper part of the body but not visible if wearing a shimmy??

  29. I’m emirates crew and here’s my advise to those who are thinking of going for their AD. Those of you that have tattoo by the: ANKLE, WRIST ARM/FOREARM(for ladies. guys SHOULD be fine as you will be wearing long sleeves uniform/shirt), NECK, SHIN, EAR(even if it is covered up by your hair), FINGER, FOOT – anywhere ABOVE your collar to BELOW your knee area, it is NOT ok as it is exposed when you’re in uniform. If you’re thinking to cover up about your tattoo or lie during your interview, believe me, DON’T. Cos if you get pass your final interview, you will be having 2 rounds of medical checks – 1 in your country, and 1 in dubai(if you’re selected). The nurse/doctor will ask you to take off your clothes during the checks. They will lookout for scars, tattoos, birthmarks on your body and will note it down on your medical form whether your scar/tattoo is visible when in uniform, the size, etc.. You will then be asked to send the certified medical reports to your company’s HR via email/fax for clearance. And then wait for them to get back to you whether you’re selected or rejected. Oh well, you COULD bribed your doctor in your country to note write about your tattoo. But once selected as a cabin crew with the company, you have to bring all your medical and x-ray reports (hardcopy) with you to dubai – another round of medical test(which is much stricter) to undergo when you’re there (You can’t bribe the company’s doctors this time round). If you try to lie your way out, or cover up with make-up, they will know. And they will send you back home straight within 24hrs.

    A new crew had a small tattoo behind her neck(covered with neck-length hair – not visible to the eye) when she was found out by the company’s doctor She was then told that her appointment with the company has been void and was put on a plane straight for home-bound. Imagine having to be sent back home after all the hassles that she had gone through with the vigorous interview stages. the money she forked out for medical tests in her country, the job she quit at home, the time she had spent, but in the end only to be sent back home when she thought all was good and lucky. Yes, medical checks are very strict in the middle east(dubai, doha, abu dhabi)!

    So if you have any tattoo (big/small) visible in uniform, don’t even try. Cos they won’t accept you. BUT, if you have plenty of time to spare and don’t mind going through all the hassles, by all means, go ahead. All middle eastern airlines industry are strict and crude when it comes to that. Or else try other airliners who are not so strict on tattoos. My 5 cents worth and experience….. Good luck and cheers mate…

    1. I had a tattoo in the back on my shoulder and it can be covered by uniform. But I didn’t state that I had it in the FI. Now I’m waiting to join the ground staff. Should I tell them about it or just go?

  30. Hi.
    I am a Male and I have a tattoo on my back. Its not even visible while wearing a tank top or tshirt. The only way its visible is if I’m shirtless. And I’ve heard that if you mention that you have a non-visible tattoo on the AD and Interview they won’t even consider you. Considering I am a male, which automatically makes it aloooot harder for me to get the job because they don’t hire many males in Emirates. I have two questions.
    1. do they ask you “if you have a tattoo” OR “Do you have any VISIBLE tattoo” And when you sign the paper stating you having tattoo, does it say visible or or just tattoo.
    2. I really don’t want to lie. but considering the fact that my chances as a male getting the job is very slim, and I don’t want to say I have a non-visible tattoo and make them not even consider me. I would like to say I don’t have any. And then if I get the job, lets say 3-6 months later maybe. When the medical is due in Dubai, if they say that the tattoo is a problem because I didn’t state that I had one, can’t I just say, that I did my tattoo after the interview, and I did it in a place that is non-visible not even near the visible area for men. And that shouldn’t technically be a problem because they do say officially that only visible tattoos is forbidden.
    What do you think, I have AD in 4 days.

    1. Hey!! I would love to know the answer too! Should I declare it or not as a non visible tattoo? Help, please!

  31. Hi, so just to be clear if I have a tattoo on my calf does this mean that emirates will not accept me.? And if so which airlines do…? I am a female… So which airlines have uniforms with pants for the females?

  32. HI i’m actually applying for a emirate as a First Officer, and i have a tattoo on my elbow…would that be a problem ?

  33. Hello. PLease I need someone to answer me ASAP. Im a male and I have a tattoo on my forearm and I did not tell them about during my interviews. Im going to join Emirates in one month. And I am very worried. Are they going to send me back home? Your cooperation and accurate answers are very important and appreciated. Thank you

  34. Hi there. My question is different with the others. I do not have any tattoos, acne scars or whatsoever. But I have a birthmark. On my face. It can be concealed through makeup but still peeks through alil bit. It’s not “disturbing” or anything. After makeup it looks very light, like just a tad bit darker than the rest of my face. Should I go ahead with the interview? I really want this but I don’t want to waste my time either. Seeing how strict they are with tattoos I think I have close to no chance. 🙁

  35. Hey,
    I was thinking about getting a tattoo under my arms, like my bra will cover it…. and i’m thinking about applying for cabin crew at emirates….will it be risky for me to have that tattoo?!

  36. Hi all, I have a question. I’ve applied for Cabin Crew with Emirates, I’ve passed the first two interview and when at the end of the second one I got to the question, Do you have any tattoo. I have two tattoos, one in my stomach and the other one in my neck. The recruiter lady told me that this was a pity as she already choose me for the final stage. So she recommended to remove the tattoo in my neck and get back for an interview again. My question is, the next interview is on 25th October and I don’t know if I am allow to attend this interview or do I have to wait 6 months? Somebody know this? Thank you!!

  37. I have a tattoo on my left arm its a cross and I am worried that I don’t want to ge t rejected for my interview as a air hostess for luthasia airline

  38. What’s the minimum height and weight for air hostess to have i think my weight is OK but I worries about my height

  39. One of friend has been working in Qatar Airways ans already informed me that if you have any tattoo on your body visible or not you will be kicked out so it had just happened to me I informed that i have little tattoo on my ankle which is not visible and show them also (get answered not problem ) they sent me regret mail after I signed all the papers at my last interview

  40. hey there! i have a friend who is applying for EA. She has a tattoo next to her forearm. What are the chances that they don’t find it out during the medical visit? She is gonna use a specific make up for covering tattoos. If they find out, she is immediately dismissed? Let’s say, what if the commits to remove it using laser?

  41. i just have been accepted at qatar…and i didnt told them about my tattoo on the back….now i am very worried cause i lied…can they find out at the medical visit???

  42. Hi
    I just got selected as Customer service agent (ground staff) for a well known private company And I have a tattoo on my wirst. They haven’t asked me anything about tattoo and I cleared my interview rounds.
    But I have a doubt , will there be any issue with it later?

  43. Hi all , i have a question i have a visible scar on my forehead which can not be concealed , the recruiter saw it and she still passed me , my question is i am really afraid because i did not declare it in the declaration form but the interviewer saw very clearly and she still passed me , anyadvise as iam really scared to be sent back home .

  44. Hello ! I have a little scar of a piercing on my lower lip. Do you think it’ll be a problem for EK? II’m really scared! Have the interview in 2 weeks. Thank!

  45. Hello, i want to know if someone is selected for Emirates but have a tattoo and later they discover it, is there a penalty or fine that person have to pay? Please help..

  46. HI

    I just had the EK final interview And am now waiting for GC (hopefully). We were asked during interview if we have any tattoos visible on uniform which i dont so said no. However i do have a tattoo on my upper back which is not visible on uniform. Will this be ok ? And will i get in trouble for not advising them about it ? Will it be ok if when they contact me i mention it ?

    Waiting for reply

  47. I am on the same page.. will they Make
    us be naked at the medical exams in dubai.
    I have a tattoo on my lover back it can’t be cover with the uniform but I didn’t declare it … will the Check us the back or anything. .?

  48. Hi I am invited for an asessment day next week Saturday 9th April. I have a 2cm tattoo on my left ear. Will this be a problem? I don’t want to risk travelling all the way if the tattoo will be a problem.

  49. Hi there
    I have a thigh tattoo about 10cm above the knee this would be completely covered by a knee length skirt and also trousers if Emirates cabin crew are allowed to wear trousers? Would this be a problem during my medical in Dubai? Any advice would be appreciated
    Kind regards

    Sent from my iPhone

  50. Hi, I have a small tattoo on my angle, but already have done 2 laser treatments, and its not visible if I wear stockings.and planning my next treatment.. should tell the recruiter if they ask about tattoos??

  51. Hy, I have a tattoo behind my ear and in my finger… I want to try for air hostess in any airlines… Will my tattoo be a problem for my career as air hostess???

  52. Hi i have a tattoo on the back of my hand between my index and thumb finger it’s about 4 cm …i want to become a pilot …will it be a problem..please help me

  53. I got a tattoo exactly like Nicki Minaj and same position and thickness. Do you think i can get away with it? and i got a small tattoo on my wrist.

  54. Hi I am a male having a tattoo on upper arm inside. Would it be okay? it will help a lot if you answer. Thanks

  55. Hello, I have a WHITE snowflake tattoo behind my ear. I can cover it with my hair easily. I know that head is a visible area but I was kind of hoping that the small white tattoo is not that big deal. Thanks for answer

  56. Hi, this isn’t tattoo related. I am 2cm shorter than the height requirements. Will they ever consider hiring me or should I stop trying?

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