Anyway, You probably know Annie Mac, one of the most Influencial Radio DJs, along with Zane Lowe and some select
others. Kinda John Peel contemporaries if you may Annie Mac also hosts a series of other Rendez-Vous over the pond. Including ONE dope/hectic looking event at KOKO’s in London hipster paradise : Camden. Now I recently came across her 43min from her friday show set of all things new in 2010 and manage to compile a kicking SDWxxx ! It’s over 2 hours, it’s packed of the coolest music going around at the moment and AND well, we’ve change the cover a little ! But back to peeling lemons, here is the vide in HD none the less of her “Annie MAc Presents” at KoKo in London, UK this past Feb 2010 > Insane :
Sarah (Yes you CousinOfSodwee, first of all congrats on your GCSEs. IS THAT you WE see Ravin’ at KOKO? or Im mistaken ?)
Don’t Forget to DOWNLOAD your .ZIP file and/or choose from the available tracks below ! Enjoy!
[download id=”136,131,132,133,137,138,139,154″]
That’s Peace Out !