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[infobox bg=”red” color=”white” opacity=”off” subtitle=”BE QUIET live at ParisParis had to be rescheduled at Truskel (full details below) on the 6th of December (two days later) due to unforseen events…”]IMPORTANT UPDATE[/infobox]

We have a promising new-ish band on the rise here in France for you to discover today. They also have plenty of live dates to follow including one at Truskel this December (on the 6th). They sing in English, but are real Frenchies. With a brilliant live set to get established acts something to lurk on and a real threat to keep an eye on. Above all, their material sounds so well produced that you’d think these French tweens have been around for decades… Here’s BE QUIET, from Southern France, the NEXT BIG THING.

[title subtitle=””]Band Bio[/title] [columns_row width=”half”] [column] Loin de vouloir associer leur nom à la musique qu’ils produisent, BE QUIET se forment en 2009. Ces jeunes bordelais ayant à peine 18 ans pour moyenne d’âge se retrouvent dans une musique axée 80’s rappelant les froideurs caverneuses de la Cold Wave et le Rock avant-gardiste américain. Par son style à la fois bruitiste et mélodique couplant crissements de guitares et rythmiques minimalistes, les riffs de BE QUIET sont non loin de nous rappeler ceux de My Bloody ValentineSonic Youth ou encore Joy Division et Interpol. A son tableau de chasse, le quintette compte de nombreuses premières parties dont celles de RatatatTrustJamaicaThe Vaccines
[/column] [column] From Bordeaux, in France we introduce you to BE QUIET. A young cold-wave, avant-garde rock band that will send shivers down your spine. Especially if you witness their live set. And what better day to approve of their concert in an appropriately named venue such as ParisParis. Their music will undeniably recall the sounds of My Bloody ValentineSonic Youth or even Joy Division. These little geniuses – only barely over the legal age to down a pint in a bar – can deliver pretty effin’ rad 80’s influenced riffs, melodies and credibility. You wonder where they get all their creative juice from.
[/column] [/columns_row]
We’d highly recommend this band, live, so why not Join us at Truskel on the 6th for a fab night out on the town ?? Grab a drink and come boogie with us all !

UPDATE : Their upcoming EP ‘Afflictions’ sounds too good already, Be Quiet has just released a new single : ‘Function’. Scroll down for the un-official video…

[title subtitle=””]Information[/title]

[button color=”blue” text=”white” url=”https://www.facebook.com/events/218200401692258/” window=”_blank”]Join Facebook Event[/button]

Le Truskel
12 Rue Feydeau
75002 Paris, France

+33 1 40 26 59 97

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[title subtitle=”watch “Infancy” right here :”]Latest Video[/title]

[title subtitle=”via WHYD.com”]Band Mixtape[/title]

Follow Be Quiet on : Facebook | Twitter | Bandcamp | Instagram

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