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It’s very rare I post about French singers. So rare in fact that might be my real first attempt at writing something worthwhile of your time. Radio Elvis trumps all preconceived stereotypes you might be throwing my way at this very moment.

We’re looking at the future of French songwriting right here boys and girls. And soon enough, we won’t be the only ones out there having the same idea. Radio Elvis makes it effortless to listen to french lyrics and possibly understanding them.

Enfants, nous grandissions au large de tout. Nous n’avions pas encore de but mais nous savions qu’il nous faudrait tout quitter.

Crossing the desert, uncovering the new world, meet Goliath… Everything seems possible when you listen to Radio Elvis’ first EP “Juste avant la ruée”. It a far cry from what we’re used to here in France in terms of intelligent rock with wordy/catchy french metaphores. Band members Pierre Guénard, Manu Ralambo and Colin Russeil manage to deliver some classic jams where every young band used to fail miserably since the golden days of Noir Désir

The “Juste avant la ruée” EP was re-recorded and remastered for the release. The whole four-track EP is evidence we’re changing era in the french music industry. We won’t be subject to that tacky, unmistakably French crap they tend to force feed us on television these days. The scene is well alive now, with exciting talent like Radio Elvis spearheading that movement.

French citizens and earth dwellers really need to listen to this EP. It will be released on September 22nd 2014 (next Monday) following the finals of Sosh InrocksLabs held at the Trianon celebrating that new generation of artists we’ve been longing for over 2 decades already. Time as come.

With fine arrangements blended with melodies that tie really well with the poetic delivery of the singer’s lyrics, Radio Elvis stand out from the usual crop on stage with a certain French elegance that could recall the early darker days of Noir Désir and pop outbreaks straight from established acts such as Bashung, or even Dominique A.

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Follow RADIO ELVIS on : Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud

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