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Here is ‘Islander’, the brand new track by Robyn Sherwell. An english newcomer based in London. Bringing pop deep into the winter months with her great sense of rhythm, delicate, yet powerful vocals describing the life as an islander in the middle of that infamous stretch of water between France and the United Kingdom. Written in 2013 and recorded the same year, it portrays the Guernsey lifestyle, what it’s like to live on an island, knowing a place really well but also needing to detach from it at times, get away from it. Discover ‘Islander’ (above) and get ready for more as she’s set to embark on a whirlwind of adventures in 2015… Stay connected. Here’s what she has to say about the track :

It was written in minutes, almost—it was a quick one! Just banging drums and vocals in the first instance, and that’s still the basic vibe. I wasn’t sure if it was really anything special until David heard my rough demo and insisted it should go on the record.

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