Dark Light

Hellooo everyone. Hope you spent your summer break in good company, with your family or your friends, in some exotic far-fetched destination. Those of you, lucky enough to be back in good ol’ Paris this week a week prior to the almighty “Rentrée” will surely have experienced some traffic jams all across the country. For you we put together a great soundtrack to your never-ending car-trip with a selection of the finest tracks August had to offer, in terms of Music. Twenty tracks: fresh, old, oldies, enough in fact to vent your frustration and car-rage in harmony backed by some kickass instrumentals. And I know, somewhere out there, in the wild, one of you will thank us for purveying the coolest playlist of their #back2school trips. Somewhere. In the meantime enjoy this carefully crafted audio phonic “pot-pourri” and the now classic Paul Grelet design for the cover. Who’s back full-throttle too as you’ve might guessed. Enjoy, stream below, download, rate, appreciate, AND DONATE

Sundaze #133 – Spéciale Rentrée & Bison Futé

Original artwork is designed by Paul Grelet. We thank him again, and like every week, we cannot push you enough to give his portfolio/blog a visit. He’s a good ol’friend of ours and a great artist all round. We think highly of his work and friendship. So go forth and check his work out : www.paulgrelet.com

Either download the .ZIP file, listen/stream each track individually below, or even download ONE track or many by “right-clicking” then “saving target as” as you hover over the track list below… A normal click on a given track will play/stream it.

“C” Sundaze | #133 | sodwee.com Arbitraire
Audio Player

Art by Paul Grelet ( www.paulgrelet.com )

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