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Amethysts – “Alone” (spin above)… Amethysts are a new band from Suffolk fronted by Clarice. And are already making waves around the british scene with their Synths and plenty of guitars to convince you. Think of their sound as Fleetwood Mac 2.0. With plenty to be delivered in the near future, the band has already seen BBC Radio 1 backing their debut track “Alone” and have already played live around the British Isles including Latitude and Brownstock Festivals. This is a pair we’ll keep a close eye on for the remainder of this year. Follow their online estates, and enjoy “Alone” (above).

Follow Amethysts on Facebook and Soundcloud.

OK, strap in, fasten your seatbelts dudes, dudettes, we have a rockin’ selection of the newest and the best tracks available right now. All of them are freshly baked and should fill your fuel tank for this week. If you were looking for interesting tracks, you have come to the right place. Enjoy, make sure you discover the acts other tracks if you dig one we featured ! And of course share this post around you. We’d appreciate it immensely.

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With the amount of music I have to spin, I can only select a few to do write ups on – it’s a one man operation here, and my grey cells are dwindling by the hour – so here’s a little weekly bonus selection of music we haven’t had the time to cover but really do recommend nonetheless. These one liners are where I usually start my posts. It’s packed with the latest tracks, gems, and dancefloor goodness you’ve come to expect from Sodwee.com. Sit back, enjoy those Cloud Droppings and Like us on Facebook

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[title maintitle=”BEST OF THE REST” subtitle=”Select tabs on left…”] [tabgroup layout=”vertical”] [tab title=”PILLARS”]You Got This – London-based newcomer PILLARS has unveiled a new track : ‘You Got This’. It snuggly fits into her collection of ambient electronica gems, and adds another piece to the puzzle of this other British mysterious act.

[/tab] [tab title=”LA PLAGE”]Continente. The Belgian band with a promising future is back with another track up their sleeve. It’s titled “Continente” and proves how talented they are. Singing in English then seamlessly switching to French. They sure know how to seduce a wide range of fans…

[/tab] [tab title=”MONOGEM”]Earned It (The Weeknd cover) – Jen Hirsh (aka MONOGEM) ins real life, brings sultry, silky output to her rendition of the Weeknd’s phenomenal hit “Earned It”. Turning it into some surreal . Premiered with Idolator, MONOGEM’s cover pumps up the haunting factor with her delicate yet commanding vocals and throbbing synths. The end result is truly stunning and quite romantic. A track that could easily see itself metaphorically envisioned on a moody Sunset Blvd or up in Hollywood Hills.. ‘A La True Detective” you know, you gete my drift.

[/tab] [tab title=”NEHZUIL”]I Wanna Love You by Sydney (AUS) dweller N王HZUIL A.K.A. Zhen Liu is a real treat past 3’o’clock in the morning. He describes himself as a “day-time drunk and night-time musician”. So we’ll put all our faith in his hands this evening to get to sleep… Listen to his latest original track instead :

[/tab] [tab title=”JR. HI”]Sext [demo] – This track is hitting all the right spots. Get sharing with your friends and spin this wonderful track :

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