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Søren Juul is also known as Indians, an alter ego he came up with for his previous work. His career started in February 2012 and released his debut single a few month later. In 2016 however, it’s under his real name, Søren Juul, that the Danish “Bon Iver” – as once dubbed by Village Voice – will set out to tour and support the upcoming release of “This Moment”, his second album, due out on June 17th via 4AD. Sophie met up with Søren at Pop Up Du Label just before his show to ask him a few questions as well as get his portrait taken by Michela Cuccagna. Read in full below…

Interview by Sophie. Introduction by Sodwee. Photographs by Michela Cuccagna.
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[su_pullquote]”I like to spend my time being creative through Music; it is a different way of capture time and emotions.” – SØREN JUUL[/su_pullquote]

You’re releasing your second album under your real name, don’t you feel kind of “naked”?

Yes, it feels a little different now releasing music in my own name. It’s for sure a more naked feeling to it but also feels right; it’s more direct and honest.

You wrote the songs of This Moment within the last three years. Some people write diaries, you write songs. Is it easier for you to look back at things through music?

I like to spend my time being creative through Music; it is a different way of capture time and emotions. I like looking back being reminded of different time periods in your live through smells, music  and the weather. 

In addition to dropping your former moniker you also moved out from Copenhagen to Svendbord. Has this new environment influenced your music or at least the way you make it?

Only lived here for about a year now, but have a couple of songs for the new record written here in this new location. I think for the future you might be able to tell how the life here and the new life style will be an influence on the music.

You were the second Danish act to be signed on 4AD/Beggars. Did you give any advice to fellow Danish bands Liss and Iceage when they joined Beggars?

I don’t know any people of those bands, but know people working closely with them ….When we meet once in a while it’s very interesting to discuss the experiences we have working with such great people and labels. With the experiences we have we can ask questions and learn from each other.

Buy album on 4AD. out June 17th.
Pre-order album on 4AD. out June 17th, 2016.
You performed at the Polar Festival in Paris this spring. To your mind, is there a “Scandinavian touch”?

I think there is. I feel very inspired from what I see and my surroundings, I don’t really think that much about it but it is part of my intuition in a creative flow working with sound and songwriting. 

Your song Oblivion was featured in The Fault In Our Stars. Is there any film or scene in particular you wish you had scored?

Great question!!!!  It is so inspiring watching movies and how pictures and music can work really well together. Like when the music doesn’t take too much attention but just work really closely with the scenes created. Create the vibe and the whole atmosphere, so when you walk out of the movies the feeling will be captured in your body days after watching the movie. I had that feeling when I watched There Will be Blood scored by Jonny Greenwood.

Finally, Sodwee standing for Sound of The Week, what would be your sound of the week?

My Sound of the week is the wind in the trees.

Follow SØREN JUUL on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram

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