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Thanks for following us to Paris for the second part of our chat with Dominique. You can access part 1 on Purple Melon here.

This is the very first two-part article in our new series ‘International Correspondence’ where the trans-atlantic journey starts  in L.A. (via PMM) and ends here in Paris (via Sodwee). Dominique graciously set aside some time for us so you, the reader, can get to know a little more about her and her new single ‘Good Girl’.

So, what inspired you to make Good Girl?

It started when I randomly came up with the first line of the chorus “shout out to your model American” while thinking about, and laughing at, my intense fear of breaking the rules. It’s kind of sarcastic, like “oh, look at me, this model citizen–I’ve followed the rules all my life but I still don’t even know what’s really right or wrong.” Growing up, I was always the cautious girl in the group, paranoid about getting in trouble or caught if my friends wanted to do something “bad.” Even now, at 23 years old, I get nervous giving my ID to bouncers in fear they’ll think it’s fake. It’s ridiculous. The meaning of the song goes much deeper than that, but it’s basically about my frustration resulting from years of giving so much importance to rules and ideologies that are actually pretty irrelevant to real life.


Do you feel like you’ve taken a slightly different direction with the production?

Yeah, and none of my newer songs really sound like this either. Back in 2012 I had a phase where literally the only thing I listened to was trap music. Somehow that influence resurfaced last September when I made this, hence the 808 and trap snares in the chorus. 

“Hence the 808 and trap snares in the chorus.” – Dominique on the production influences found in ‘Good Girl’…

That’s what caught our attention! Is there a part of the track / process are you most proud of?

I think the concept, as it feels genuine and not forced. It was also one of the first songs I ever produced on my own, so I’m proud of it in that aspect. 

Is this part of a greater project to come? An EP / Album?

Yes, it’s apart of my debut EP that I’ll be releasing music from over the rest of the year.

You’ve had some success on Spotify recently, did that add pressure during the writing process?

I made “Good Girl” beforehand, but for the material I wrote afterward, it provided more motivation than pressure. I was excited that more people were listening to my music, and if anything, I felt a  “good” kind of pressure to work harder and make better music. 

What’s been your highlight of the year so far?

Probably finishing up this EP and releasing “Good Girl.” I finally have a collection of songs I truly feel proud of, so this feels like a new chapter for me. 

What are you hoping the rest of the year holds for you?

Now that the EP is done, I want to spend a good deal of time improving in sound design and mixing. I want the sound of my next body of work to be extraordinary, so I’m planning on spending a lot of time learning and experimenting. I also would like to start producing for other artists, as well as playing live shows.

[title maintitle=”Passport” subtitle=”Previously shared tracks”]

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