Dark Light

From Cardiff, in Wales (UK) comes an unexpected twist of an artist. Richard Griffith just sent us his ‘Fading Blue’ EP this afternoon and has subsequently soundtracked our entire afternoon. With the laid back atmosphere of his productions. This EP marks the first attempt at vocal-based original material for the 21 year old medicine student. He perfected his production skills before that by creating instrumentals for some time.

Combining a wide range of influences and elements, from jazz, soul and hip hop. Richard Griffith manages to unleash a gentle slap of dark and mellow vibes to anyone listening. Just enough to have you on your toes and keep concentrating on a hazy grey/white afternoon like today.

This is his debut EP, and we’re pretty impressed at how mature it sounds. Like he’s been at it for the major part of his young life. Few artists make it sound that good on their first attempt. And that’s why we’re introducing him to you today. After all, that’s what we do, discover new tracks, artists and presenting them to you. no ? Leave your impressions in the comment section at the bottom of this page if you will. It’s always nice to have your input !

And don’t forget to follow his Soundcloud profile and download (name your price) his ‘Fading Blue’ EP over at Bandcamp… (Link below)

[title maintitle=”PASSPORT” subtitle=”Listen to the rest of the Fading Blue EP”]

Follow Richard Griffith on : Soundcloud | Bandcamp

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