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As previously reported by your favourite music blog in a #BESTNEWMUSIC / Introducing post about Victoria Sheahan A.K.A. Lemin. We believed the Toronto-based singer-songwriter had all the odds going in her favor and that she’d break big in no time. Well, just a year after releasing “Hold A: Act 1”. The talented singer has now returned with “Act 2” of her compelling project.

With a minimalistic approach to R&B and one that will ring especially true to lyric lovers and great instrumental composition coupled with a restrained sense for vocals. Lemin.‘s latest EP is an introspective account of her world world served throughout an 8-track EP . It is another fantastic dive into the skillful Toronto music scene and talent pool the city has to offer to the rest of the world.

Hold A: Act 2 by Lemin. was released on September 21st 2018.

We strongly encourage you listen to the rest of the EP is you’re into the favourites we posted here…

Lemin. explains why this project is titled “Hold A: Act 1 & 2”:

“I called the project hold A because in Mario Kart you ‘hold A to accelerate,’ and that’s what making this project felt like for me: accelerating into who I am, into loving myself, and into all that I am capable of.”


Follow Lemin. on : Instagram | Twitter | Soundcloud

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