Our favourite R&B duo Fortunes. from down under, has now officially signed a deal with Aussie music power-house Future Classic and to celebrate have just released a new single called “501’s”. After “Justin Bieber”, Bomber and the rest of the fantastic ‘Jacket’ EP we couldn’t be more excited to hear the pair have finally found the time to record some new material between touring heavily, and as a side benefit of being part of the same stable as Flume, to be allowed to drink Flume’s leftover rider. Which made us laugh of course.
501’s is out now on Future Classic. Stream below & download here.
For Fans Of : Smooth R&B ‘a la’ Sean Nicholas Savage, only a heck lot more accessible and much less of a wild card. Although we do love his music too…
[title maintitle=”PASSPORT” subtitle=”Previously shared tracks by Fortunes.”]

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