Dark Light

Yes I have spent 45 minutes of my spare time watching the Republican National Convention on YouTube today. I never thought a political convention would so entertaining ! They had flocks of elderly cheering their hearts out to the point one of them collapsed in the moshpit, and flags, balloons, amazing video backdrops, a very family orientated speech, large pan shots of Palin’s teen mother Bristol and so forth. I also wanted to go out on a search of the funniest picture I could find on the wannabe VP (Vice President). I didn’t have to go too far… A simple query on the googlez image search and there I was flooded with thousands of crazy pictures of the most saught after woman in the US and A. Here’s my pick, she is seen here holding John McCain in her arms, don’t they look so cute together ? So by now you probably know who I would of voted for if I had been a US Citizen. Thankfully I’m French.

Sarah Palin & John McCain on Airboy.sodwee.com

In other exciting news for the day I got another extraordinary email sent through the FAQ about Emirates Airlines… and it read :

how do we measure minimum arm reach of 212cm on tip toes ?

If you have any idea of what kind of answer I can send back, then I’m all yours. Because I’m clueless. Bravo Bikersrock you get the Gold Najm for best email of the week ! If you are the author of this email and reading this, please forgive me but I had to share this. I send all my apologies your way…

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