Dark Light

A 2008 survey of Canadian and American sex therapists stated that the average time for intromission was 7 minutes and that 1 to 2 minutes was too short, 3 to 7 minutes was adequate and 7 to 13 minutes desirable, while 10 to 30 minutes was too long. That JUST taking into account the intromission. Hence I wasn’t going to post one song based on those fact (gathered from Wikipedia).

However your playtime may last, those 6 tracks will not suck. Let’s face it, ones usual Valentine’s playlist is doomed from the start, filled with crappy, cheesy and long past their sell by date artists (no name-dropping, you can easily figure out who I have in mind right now) or bands. The result being, your after-dinner conquest is lame, and unnecessary FROM THE START, just because you picked the wrong tracks. Having the opposite effect on your better half. Sending your lover into a circadian cycle he/she’ll never wake up from. You obviously didn’t want that to happen, did you. That’s where Sodwee comes in.


Spice things up with this carefully crafted playlist you really want to play before, during and after. However you must have taken your soulmate to a nice restaurant or even better cooked something real nice before hand. In other words, stack-up on carbs :

Stream the playlist thanks to Whyd.com

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