Dark Light

FUN FACT / DID YOU KNOW : ‘Ain’t No Shunshine’ was released as the B-side to another song called “Harlem.” Disc jockeys played this as the single instead and it became a hit.


Track One / Love :
This song by far is my favourite song and holds such an important value to it. Very popular song with over 50+ versions made but the original is always the best!
Track Two / Breakup :
This is actually my number 1 most played song on my iTunes , not for the faint hearted but very powerful and deep meaning. Somehow when it’s game time and you need a lift this song does it for me!
Track Three / Dance :
Played by my favourite band “Nirvana” . This song always reminds me of me and my friends attempting to form a band (Lasted 3 days) and jamming in our garage scream at the top our our lungs, But as I got older and actually took the time to research the meaning somehow it really stuck to me!
Track Four / Travel :
There was a time in my life where I knew about Bob Marley but never really cared until a friend played this song while playing fuse-ball (soccer table) and it hit me like a slap to the face I had to stop playing download it and then come back and finish off the game . Needless to say that this is the song that opened up my mind,heart and soul to the reggae world. One Love
Track Five / Sleep :
When things are going crazy around you and you want to slow down time . This is the track right here after a heavy gym session and I want to unwind this tracks somehow makes everything I do in slow motion!

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