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Evolving within a boundless pop genre, rising duo Lyon & Lowe just dropped a very dancey track that, for some obscure reason, brings visuals of a horde of baby elephants having fun in a heavenly bush-like environment. With plenty of sunshine and love, the kind of feel good sensation you only get when all the stars align you know. It also has an organic effect ones biomass, inevitably forcing you to rock from side-to-side while that trombone blares away beautifully… no ?

The band hails from both sides of the pond, each member originating from either side of the Atlantic. They produce wavy, sometimes chill tracks but this new one holds a simple hook and the most summery vibe yet. Hear, discover and like Lyon & Lowe‘s seasonal hit in the making – Tromboner :


[title maintitle=”Passport” subtitle=”Previous track by Lyon & Lowe”]

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