Dark Light

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Dresses have come forward with a stunning bunch of light-hearted tracks musically but not so much lyrically. The duo formed in 2012 and are from Portland, Oregon …have put them together in their compelling “Let Down” EP due for release on October 23rd. We have already featured their title track “Let Down” over the weekend, so it was only natural for us to [PREMIERE] the closing track from the upcoming “Let Down” EP. We have added the track list below :

  1. Catch
  2. Drift Away
  3. Let Down
  4. Frozen
  5. I Don’t Believe Them
  6. Fools 

Timothy Heller and Jared Ryan Maldonado have yet again scored some major street-credibility with “Fools” ending their EP on a high note, despite revolving around touchy subject like mental illness, relationships, friendships, and being left on the side… The catchy whistling will most certainly get stuck in your head for the rest of the weekend ! Listen to the great dollops of awesome below :

[title maintitle=”TRACK PREMIERE” subtitle=”Fools by Dresses”]

Follow Dresses on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram

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