Dark Light

busy appeared out of nowhere, taking everyone who hits play into a snow globe experience of music. When it comes down to facts and history, this musician is an absolute mystery (we didn’t even attempt to Google “busy”). Except for one thing. It’s mostly guess work, but busy appears to be Hayden Calnin‘s side project. busy‘s ambient rock tunes are a match to the former’s unique sound, and the words AUS at the end of his SoundCloud link tells us he’s from Australia.

It’s mostly the unmistakeable sound that potentially gives busy away. Hayden Calnin‘s background in film and sound design gives his music a different edge. Like being immersed in a dark theatre with perfect surround sound. busy‘s music tells a story and puts the listener exactly where he emotionally intended them to be. Get lost with the recently released track “I’m From Somewhere,” an audio road map for any wanderlust experience. Then listen to “Hello (hi),” an airy track that’s like having a memory standstill.

Follow busy on: SoundCloud

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