Dark Light

Everything was written on the piano in Wales and then I brought the songs back to my studio in London. I was afraid to revisit them and do all the production work for a while because it was a tough place to re-visit. I nearly didn’t release them because they felt so personal and I thought it would make me very vulnerable, however I decided that everything would crystalize from releasing it for others to hopefully draw something from. Says William Arcane on “Hourglass”. Arcane’s ‘Hourglass’ EP will be released on 29th November via Trace The Line Recordings

Follow William Arcane on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram

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Cue The Lemon Twigs’s latest video for ‘As Long As We’re Together’ directed by Autumn de Wilde:

With the amount of music I have to spin, I can only select a few to do write ups on – it’s a one man operation here, and my grey cells are dwindling by the hour – so here’s a little weekly bonus selection of music we haven’t had the time to cover but really do recommend nonetheless. These one liners are where I usually start my posts. It’s packed with the latest tracks, gems, and dancefloor goodness you’ve come to expect from Sodwee.com. Sit back, enjoy those Cloud Droppings and Like us on Facebook

[title maintitle=”BEST OF THE REST” subtitle=””] [separator type=”thick”] [columns_row width=”two-thirds-and-third”] [column][/column] [column]Tender – Design | James & Dan are about to release EP ‘III’ on Friday November 4th. This week they’ll be previewing 3 tracks in a row, one yesterday (‘Design’), one today in the name of ‘Oracle’ and one tomorrow called ‘Smoke’. We’ve been following the English duo for some time now and can vividly remember how good their sound was from the get go and their immense tracks ‘Belong’ and ‘Armour’ sending them both into the heavens of music…[/column] [/columns_row] [separator type=”thick”] [columns_row width=”two-thirds-and-third”] [column][/column] [column]Chelou – Halfway To Nowhere | London based singer-songwriter Chelou found himself lost in Colombia with nothing but a dictaphone and a battered acoustic guitar missing two strings. Torn between pursuing a life’s dream of becoming a surf bum on the Pacific coast, visiting friends and seeking a now lost love he was quite literally ‘Halfway To Nowhere’. Released on 4th November.[/column] [/columns_row] [separator type=”thick”] [columns_row width=”two-thirds-and-third”] [column][/column] [column]Bam Spacey – Avstånd Och Skog |Dreamy pop act Bam Spaceys second single leading up to the album “Eden”. Witch vocal coos and light-footed deep-techno framework, thrusting itself from one soundscape to another, “Avstånd och Skog” are crafted from Bam Spaceys trademark soundscapes. This is a track we definitely encourage you to spin right now.[/column] [/columns_row] [separator type=”thick”] [columns_row width=”two-thirds-and-third”] [column][/column] [column]Lion Sphere – Silk Mountain | Lion Sphere’s four members deliver intricate and passionate music. Lyrically, the 5-track EP explores the concept of having “multiple versions of yourself, which are often mirrored by people around you” says lead singer Joel. “Some you have control over, some hide in the unconscious and burst out in extreme situations. When faced with a difficult circumstance you’ll often find yourself developing a new layer of personality to deal and learn from your situation”.[/column] [/columns_row] [separator type=”thick”] [columns_row width=”two-thirds-and-third”] [column][/column] [column]Laura Welsh – Red | Laura Welsh explains her track ‘Red’: “It’s a song about taking responsibility for fucking up. To admitting you are holding back and playing it stubborn… For being human.”[/column] [/columns_row] [separator type=”thick”]


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