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Pre-order/buy: Jumo – ‘Dérive’

When everybody thought Nowadays Records struck gold with Douchka and thought they’d stop there. Rest assured, the Parisian record label has plenty more tricks up its sleeve. And by tricks, I mean a gold pile of beauties lying in the back store waiting to be released. Like this absolute gem that roams by the name of ‘Dérive’, a mini-album by creative talent Jumo. It’ll sound as if I have stakes in the decidedly prolific venture, but alas and sorry for me, I have none. Maybe I should invest fast.

Jumo – Live Gaïté Lyrique Paris

Living between the Atlantic coast and the busy bustle/hustle that is the French Capital, Jumo delivers highly conceptual, melody-driven and approachable pieces of music that have a real sense of timelessness. At times, even chronologically hung in for account by sparse vocal statements and absolutely wonderful featurings by Holy Oysters on “Bloom” or VedeTT on “Je Le Savais”.

You will – I have no doubts – be transported elsewhere upon listening to the 7-track EP called “Dérive”. Coming off the hot heels of the previous installment that was EP “Étape” back in February. Jumo prepares his tactful return on May 12th. Make sure you save the date. You’ll be thanking us later.


  1. Ville
  2. Bloom feat. Holy Oysters
  3. 1991
  4. Huit Jours
  5. Bleu
  6. Dérive
  7. Je Le Savais feat. Vedett
[/su_pullquote]Jumo is a multi-disciplinary artist involved in a wide array of projects, including in graphic design with illustrator Nina Guy whom he’s been collaborating on the art direction and design of the visuals. It’s with the music, in retrospect, that we’ll remember his stance: a project driven by music, packed with subtle emotions of a carefully laid out narrative with dramatic events along the way.

Jumo says of the EP ‘Dérive”:

I was inspired by the modern approach of Steve Reich or Philip Glass with their music. I worked on a number of tracks (Dérive, Huit Jours, Bleu) using the piano as the base. The idea of starting with the piano in its simplest form, to build upon the melody with successive layers led to create movements and shifts I didn’t plan at first.

Jumo’s “Dérive” EP is out on Friday May 12th via Nowadays Records

The end result is a truly coherent and licked collection of tracks that will leave a lasting impression. “Dérive” invites you to interpret and let your imagination dictate the direction. Leaving the audience the absolute freedom in the visual abstraction.

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Follow JUMO on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram | Twitter

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