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Lex Low is no stranger to Sodwee.com. In fact, he wrote a few articles back in the day. He’s also an accomplished musician and singer-songwriter. With a string of stand-out tracks we have put forth also in the past. Beyond bias and favouritism on our part. We recognize the good and the truly amazing when we hear it. Today Lex Low releases a new single titled “Feel More” that signals a new direction for his composition style.

Alex is one of those multi-talented individuals with an array of skills that it makes it hard to comprehend for a regular guy like me. He floats from one area of the music business to other, one day coaching an artist in digital marketing while the next he might be designing a logo for a music blog from scratch. It’s quite impressive in fact. He’s a total workaholic too. But it’s in his creative ability to produce music that Lex Low, or Alex Treharne in real life, shines with intensity. Taking cues from his own experiences, like the separation of his parents when he was ten years old and the whirlwind that must have caused at such a pivotal time in one’s development makes his songwriting to a whole new cathartic level.

Yet it is done with class and delivered with genuine delicacy. The guitars flutter in the distance over an intrepid beat and the signature vocals we’ve known from Lex Low match effortlessly. As the chorus comes nearer, the track rolls into Arpeggiated synths and vocal harmonies that are catchy and well-penned throughout. The listener is lead by the hand through a more personal approach and storytelling. Something the nature of the subject undoubtedly requires.

“This song was finished in isolation where I was reflecting on a lot of things, including my early life. It draws on the moment I found out my parents were separating and my father leaving. Lyrics like ‘do you even know this place, the way that dinner tastes’ are references to the increasing amount of time he was spending away from us. I wanted to write a track that felt honest and raw, it’s a snapshot of my emotions at the time – not necessarily the way I still feel. I love both my parents.”

says Lex Low


Follow Lex Low on : Facebook | Instagram | TwitterSoundcloud

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