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Major back-office shuffle, front end tweaks !

Emirates rolling out the new EK uniforms with the A380

Fly, iron & fly again.

Dark Light

[As you’ve might of noticed, on the home page, you only see part of each post, this is to avoid having an overload/clutter of images and other content that takes really long to load,this will also greatly increase my page views, but you don’t need to know that. To cut a long story short : to read the entire post please click on the title !]

Hey guys, I’ve been busy upgrading the back-office for this website for the past hour or so. Sorry for the inconvenience caused if you’ve crashed into an ugly page. But with extreme luck, everything is working fine. On the front end part, this means, the things you readers will see, I have included a very snazz tweak which enables you to extend your reading experience thanks to the “Related Posts” section on every page. Once you finish reading a post, scroll down and you’ll see what’s related to what you’ve just read.

Also on the plate today, RSS. Yes that’s right another boring acronym. No for realz, this is the shiz. RSS will enable you to stay UP TO DATE with the latest news from Airboy. Including the DOWNLOADABLES I will post in the future. SO if you’re using Safari or Firefox, just click on the logo located in the address bar to suscribe. It will automatically add a bookmark that will update itself without you even knowing ! Or else, if you’re using a RSS reader such as Newsgator, Bloglines or Newsvibes, then select the appropriate chiclet in the left column to suscribe. It’s easy and will make your life easier ! Enjoy.

If you guys wanna start up your own blog/website and don’t have extensive knowledge of HTML/PHP or even is you’re too lazy (like me) to write code everyday, then that is the best option for you ! It’s dead easy to use and is very efficient.

So yeah, back-office is back in order and looking lush compared to the other version ! I’m happy this went without too many problems !

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