Dark Light

It’s been THE TALK for a few weeks now in Cabin Crew land Dubai and elsewhere in the aviation industry. The first Big Mama Jamma (or A3 not tiny) has been delivered to Emirates today in Hamburg with HH Sheikh Ahmed Bin Saeed Al-Maktoum as host. This is a milestone in Emirates path to owning the skies. They haven’t stopped growing since they’ve started, despite the rising fuel costs and the industry’s general unfitness. As a matter of fact, and to show off I’m sure, His Heighness decided to make a coup and simply ordered another 60 wide-bodied aircrafts with both Boeing & Airbus. Our fleet currently consists of a whopping 118 aircrafts, add to this the crazy 58 A380 + the other 60 on order, it brings the total amount of aircrafts operating for Emirates at mindblowing 236 machines. ANd who will operates the 236 cabins ? Well you can only guess ! We’ll be 21000 Cabin Crew by 2012, that’s as far as the plans go. You wonder how they do it. When every other airline struggles (I’m thinking Ryannair, and all major American carriers)… I guess being closer to oil rigs makes it easier to pump jetfuel in those wings. Anyways, after a lot of gossip, Emirates finally unveiled the Cabin Features of the Big Mama. Our First Class passengers will enjoy and shower and execs club at 38000 feet while our Economy passengers, well, will still digg in the chicken curries with a lot more friends to make down in the back galley. Check the pictures below


A6-EDA (or commonly known as A6-Echo Delta Alpha here amongst crew) will make it’s first approach in the Sandpit tomorrow sometime in the day. I might actually see the monster since I have a flight leaving early evening for Doha (Quatar), let’s hope.

I do not know if all this is a coincidence, but today was my first look inside the new CBC, Crew Briefing Center, at the new EGHQ (Emirates Group Head Quarters), where us cabin crew will start our trips. It’s basically a maze, with slippery marble flooring, countless briefing rooms, e-gates, self-checking kiosks and plasma TVs all over the shop. It’s way better than our portacabins we used to pile in. Quite impressed I must say. for a sneak peak, check those photos below :


Photos by Melissa & The Flying Kiwi

Khalas for today folks, will be doing turnarounds for the rest of the weeks so no doubt I’ll pop by the blog and say what has been going on in Crazy Dub-Dub.

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