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We are pretty happy about our fave New Yorker by way of London : Oyinda, not only is she the kindest (via email), she is well and truly an approachable person. We have already covered her upcoming EP ‘Before The Fall’ from her debut track to the last one being released today in the name of : ‘Restless’. She impressed us with the her deep, brooding vocals and the songwriting she has. And our favorite track so far is ‘What Still Remains’. Simplistic approach for an effective delivery with brilliantly layered electronic elements to boot.

‘Restless’ serves as the final track to be taken from the EP. It features the intricate production and enchanting vocals that have seen Oyinda win the acclaim of the many music aficionados on the interwebs. Sodwee.com is of course no stranger and totally believes in the potential of the young NYC artist. We 120% behind her and you should be too ! Speaking about the upcoming EP ‘Before The Fall’, Oyinda says:

‘Before the Fall’ taught me a lot about myself. Each song explores the  bittersweet aspects of experience. It marks the moment when I realized I  had changed.

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Follow Oyinda on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram | Twitter | www

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