Dark Light

Today marks a real important and necessary step into making the blog as safe and secure to use as it has ever been. As of today, we’re rolling deep in SSL secure browsing site wide and have been proud about the fact we’ve successfully implemented the changes to the blog without major bugs. Needless to say, we’re very satisfied with ourselves.

From now onwards, you’ll see the green padlock 🔒  gracing the URL bar of your browser. It means you can safely navigate and provide us with sensitive information whenever prompted to. But what is SSL, I hear you ask… Well here’s a rundown:

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser, or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook).

SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. If an attacker is able to intercept all data being sent between a browser and a web server, they can see and use that information.

With that in mind, the implementation of an SSL certificate was long-overdue, not to ask you for your social security number or your credit card number but to guarantee the connections between the servers and your browser are actually safe for today and for the future.

You will know you’re browsing safely when your URL bar states it is secure with the display of a padlock🔒  and https:// before the actual address is set to green (may differ from Safari to Chrome to Firefox). Here’s what it should look like when you visit Sodwee.com.

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The next major update and one you might just have come across as you arrived on the blog are Desktop Push Notifications. We have just enabled them today also. Making it ever so easy for you to stay connected with the latest content we post here on Sodwee.com without even thinking about checking the website. We’ll do that task for you !

As soon as we publish a new article, you’ll be notified inside your web browser of it going live and simply click on the actual notification to be redirected to the new online post. Something we wanted to implement for such a long time now and have finally got my head and grey cells round to it. We’re super stoked, it works wonders. It’s way better than subscribing to a newsletter and is much less hassle for you. Keep the immediacy and freshness to it too. Which is not the case on a regular newsletter.

How do you turn on notifications, you ask ? Well simply hover over the red bell down in the bottom right of the page and click to enable. Or when prompted when you arrive on the blog ‘ALLOW’ your browser to process the push notifications for you. You’ll then be alerted you successfully enabled the notifications for sodwee.com and next time we post, you’ll be alerted in real time of the publishing of our new content. Hope this is clear… Otherwise here are some screenshots to figure it all out.

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Hope you get a kick out of those new features. I’m certainly very happy about them and hope many of you use them! Speak soon.

Best, Ben.

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