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We had never heard of Swedish native Nina Kinert before this sizzling brand new duet with Sam T. Herring from Future Islands came through our inbox. And not only it sparked our interest just on the featuring alone. The track lived up to our expectations as the unlikely pairing of both voices. Kinert‘s high pitched versus Sam’s famed low baritone voice matched just awesomely together on those wonderfully written lyrics atop breezy nordic inspired beats and instrumental. In other pithy words, it’s the match made in heaven for me and I just couldn’t stop listening to the track.
This duet with Sam really exceeded my expectations. It is touching when someone shows such commitment to a song you’ve made… Sam is wonderful.
– Says Nina Kinert to the Nöjesguiden.
Nina Kinert‘s new album, ‘Romantic’, will be released on 11th of May via V2. Today though, the song “Chapped Lips” is now available through all DSP’s.
[separator type=”thick”]Follow Nina Kinert on: Facebook | Instagram | Soundcloud | Twitter