Dark Light

You’ve clearly gone halfway into seducing me to take a listen to your music if you mention, or your track has references to my beloved hometown. Add to that a clear mention of where you used to live (in this case, the 19th arrondissement, also where I spent most of my childhood and present life) you’ve got yourself my undivided attention.

MXMS drops “Paris”. A dark, funeral pop track brought to you by duo Ariel Levitan and Jeremy Dawson. You’ll absolutely dig the guitar lines and soft, deep vocal delivery. Complete the picture with those intertwined melodic synths and you get a fairly accurate representation of falling in and out of love in the city of lights, the city of love: Paris. The track is dark, cinematic and an understated piece of music. One that will easily find itself onto many melancholic playlists out there and be a go to track for a rainy saturday indoors or better yet, a long stroll in its grey streets, on a cold, dark, afternoon.

MXMS is short for “me and my shadow”, The pair met in Los Angeles after Ariel moved from New York City in late 2013. Harbored feelings and trauma each had hidden away for a lifetime floated to the surface in their studio.

Ariel explains more about the track: 

“Paris” is based on true events. Living with my then French boyfriend and bandmate in a flat in the 19th arrondissement of Paris, I experienced some of the best and worst times of my entire life. We were a modern day French Sid & Nancy that sparkled so bright that the whole thing burned down faster than it started. 

MXMS is embarking on a 30-date Spring US tour starting April 10th


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