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Oakland’s 21-year-old songwriter birthday is no stranger to us here at Sodwee. It was just over a year ago that we first introduced him, and he’s since curated our famous Mixtape (listen below) on the heels of his luxurious “Subtle Love” EP. Now, the chart-worthy chillwave is flowing yet again with “Weekend Walking”, a drive along the beach for your ears that sounds the way your adolescence should have.
With its college-aged attitude and falsetto-driven charm, “Weekend Walking” is almost the type of song you’d expect to hear playing in a trendy clothing store at the mall, only far better. The guitars are as sharp and permeating as the synths are rich and enveloping, while the vocals lull you into a false sense of pop-security before delivering on an unspoken promise of boldly poetic lyricism. There are few tracks that possess both enough mainstream appeal to please the masses and sufficient imagination to please the snobs (i.e. me), and yet “Weekend Walking” pulls it off.
I’d rather be here and there with you alone tonight
And I’d rather be dancing unaware for all my life
It may not be the weekend just yet, but hitting play on birthday‘s latest is the next best thing.
[separator type=”thick”] [title maintitle=”PASSPORT” subtitle=”Previous tracks by birthday”] [separator type=”thick”]Follow birthday on: Soundcloud | Twitter | Facebook