Dark Light

Jackson 5 - Sodwee Airboy Music BlogI’ve managed to recover from my Tehran (Iran) flight, only sleeping a mere 2 hours before duty. My sleeping pattern is all screwed up. Crew was really nice. Straight forward and helpful. The way back was a little more tidious but overall was nice, quick & easy. I actually like turnarounds. It’s just nice to know you’ll be back home in a short time. Gives you something to look for. After my King Of Pop jumbo post yesterday I thought I’d go back to the essentials and bring the Mighty Five up front and let you enjoy great cover of Jackson Browne named “Doctor My Eyes”. Bring on the Mojo! I wish I could grow an afro like this ! Otherwise, another of my favourite artist, M.I.A. with a classic here : “$20”. Also, after receiving many death threats for having taken the Ryan Adams cover of “Wonderwall” (originally by Oasis) down, I  re-upped it today for your guilty pleasure. Apparently even Oasis does it this way now !! How cool is that… Daft Punk makes the headlines one way or another two or three times a week at the moment on the famous music blogs so I decided to follow the trend and post a brilliant cover of “Digital Love” by Alphabeat… You gotta love the uhhh-ooh in that track. Finally the once hyped up indie piece named Peter Bjorn & John have been covered numerous times for me to not post. So there you go, today DOWNLOADABLES. Enjoy, comment and send me covers if you have any spare ! Would be a pleasure to post them upon here. Have a good day … OOOh I nearly forgot the biggest-depressing-rock-band-to-whine-in-their-mic had a new track given out for free on the internetz, namely COLDPLAY with “Violet Hill”. When the first two verses kick in, you know they already have a hit in their hands. That their tune will hit #1 spots in every single chart. Ooooooh well, I guess we’ll have to put up with them for another year.

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/01%20Violet%20Hill.mp3] Coldplay – Violet Hill

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/01%20Young%20Folks%20(Peter%20Bjorn%20and%20John%20cover).mp3] Shogu Tokumaru – Young Folks (Peter Bjorn & John cover)

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/07%2020%20dollars.mp3] M.I.A. – $20

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/08%20Wonderwall%20(Oasis%20cover).mp3] Ryan Adams – Wonderwall (Oasis cover)

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/Digital%20Love%20(Daft%20Punk%20cover).mp3] Alphabeat – Digital Love (Daft Punk cover)

[audio:http://240plan.ovh.net/~redcandy/airboy/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/Doctor%20My%20Eyes%20(Jackson%20Browne%20cover).mp3] Jackson 5 – Doctor My Eyes (Jackson Browne cover)

That’s it from me ! Peace out foolz !

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