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It’s with immense pleasure that I introduce you – my dear readers – to this fantastic duo from Lyon, France called PEARL HARBOR. I had previously (like three month ago) premiered their work on www.whitestripes.fr as a weekly selection and I’m proud to say they’ve planned some pretty funky suprises for their Lyon audience tomorrow, Tuesday 11th of September, at Ninkasi (it’s a free show), so if you’re in the vicinity… You better check out this up & coming band before they make it big… Your Street-Credibility will sky rocket of course. And your friends will be asking how you do it !!! Anyways I’m providing you with their latest EP named Jitterbug, but do run through their Bandcamp profile and like their Facebook page for all the latest gossip on this brilliant ensemble. OOPS, nearly forgot to mention, you can also download their full Jitterbug EP FOR FREE below… no excuses as I said…