Dark Light

Moko is an artist we’ve been following for quite some time now (check here also). Ever since she put out some of the grooviest songs on Soundcloud for our greatest enjoyement. She has now plenty of followers, a bunch of labels engaged in a signing battle and already some brilliant live shows under her belt (the last one to date being the “Crack in The Road Live #1‘ last Thursday). This is someone who consistantly delivers huge, high standards tracks. She just released ‘Homesick’ for our lazy Saturday afternoon listening. And the girl can sing. Moko has impressive moves as per CiTR too… Watch out for this rising London talent. She’s about to make waves :

Moko – Homesick : Moko – Homesick

Passport :

Moko – Summon The Strenght : Moko – Summon The Strenght

Follow Moko on : Faceboook | Soundcloud | Twitter

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