Dark Light

Sundaze #110 is upon us. Featuring some real classic tracks heard here and there in the past week, I felt the obligation to share those I actually love. No matter how cheesy they might sound. Amongst those, there’s that WHAM! jam “Club Tropicana” and Rupert Holmes’ “Escape (The Pina Colada Song). Both of them scoring real high in the Cheesy Gold Nugget chart of mine. Amongst other little awesome dollops I’ve thrown in for good measure, here’s SUNDAZE #110 in full glory for you all to download, share, listen etc… Just follow instruction detailed below… AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, SHARE THIS PLAYLIST AROUND …

Either download the .ZIP file, listen/stream each track individually below, or even download ONE track or many by “right-clicking” then “saving target as” as you hover over the track list below… A normal click on a given track will play /stream it.

Sundaze #110

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