Dark Light

Sundaze #115 is now available for download. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, rate, share and appreciate… Also, high on today’s agenda is the Palace (The band) gig at Le Pop Up Du Label on November 26th. We have a couple tickets for you as a giveaway. Enter the draw with your email, a name and a last name. The winners will be notified via email. ENTER BELOW…

Original artwork designed by Paul Grelet . We thank him again, and like every week, we cannot push you enough to give his portfolio a visit. He’s an ol’friend of ours and a great artist all round. We think highly of his work and friendship. So go forth and check his work out : www.paulgrelet.com

Either download the .ZIP file, listen/stream each track individually below, or even download ONE track or many by “right-clicking” then “saving target as” as you hover over the track list below… A normal click on a given track will play /stream it.

Sundaze #115

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