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That voice though. Magic in our earholes. Still amazed at that vocal output. Lilla Vargen is the sensational Northern Irish voice we proudly shared earlier this year (and got the music blogs talking at the same time…) with an Introducing feature after she’d sent us a 3 line email… She’s back today with delicate, beautyof a track “This Is Love” recorded outdoors at Mount Stewart in Belfast for the Burberry acoustic sessions you’ve probably heard prior.
Vargen delivers on a grand piano this time and once again in high fashion (no pun intended) to the world. Watch video above.
Finally make sure you sign up to her mailing list to get the news first hand, and exclusives as they drop. And also before you jet off elsewhere, bask in the two other original tracks she previously delivered (High Thread Counts fo’sure), follow her musings on social networks (detailed below).
Lilla posted this little message on Facebook earlier :
Earlier this year I shared my first fragment of music with the world. Learning to part with this creative process that’s…
Posted by Lilla Vargen on Tuesday, 15 September 2015
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Read more about her in the exclusive interview she gave us and HumanHuman.com just before the summer season.
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Follow Lilla Vargen on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram