Dark Light

Declan McKenna first sprung on the interwebs with his brilliant ‘Brazil’ tune a little while ago. And has since won over many, many hearts. With that in mind our tame interviewer Sophie went on to ask a few questions… She asked the 16 year old heart throb what it takes to boast so much confidence on stage, in front of thousands (he recently opened for FOALS, no less, at the Olympia in Paris) and also the unusual references of the Irish-English girl-group The Nolan Sisters… Go ahead and try your luck in winning 2×2 tickets for his Stains’ EP Release Party / Concert in Paris at La Boule Noire on March 3rd 2016 by entering our giveaway …

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Interview by Sophie. Additional words by Sodwee.

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“The Nolan Sisters were the creative peak of the 20th century, end of.” – Declan McKenna on his unusual inspirations

First, I’d like to know how it felt opening for Foals in France. Did you enjoy the shows ?

Yeh both shows were amazing! It was crazy playing in such a huge venue to so many people, but it was so much fun and both of them went really well too!

I was in the audience with my elder brother and he couldn’t believe you were as old as his son ! Have you always felt that confident on stage or is it something you’ve built in the last few months ?

I think i’ve never had that much of a problem with confidence, ever since i was young i’ve wanted to perform, but I’d definitely agree that without a doubt I’m more comfortable on stage now than I was a year or so ago, that’s just natural I think.

Your EP Stains will be released on March 4th. People discovered you with Brazil and might have expected you to release songs with the same indie-rock vibe but there’s definitely an electronic influence. Were you afraid to be stuck in a specific genre ?

Definitely, I think once you do get boxed into a certain genre, people can never really agree amongst each other whether they want you to do the same thing on your next record or change, and then bands can just be walking on eggshells no matter what they do, so I just wanted to try and have as ambiguous a genre as possible, by just writing songs I liked, rather than ones that I thought fitted a sound for a certain project.

When did you start making music and what is your first musical memory ?

I first started making music when I was about 13, I’d been writing since long before then, but I recorded my first song on my brothers 8 track not long after my 13th birthday. My first musical memory is probably Busted breaking up, I was heartbroken.

Who was your strongest support ?

My parents probably, they’ve always been really supportive of my music since I was young, even still now my dad sometimes drives the van to my gigs.

You’re opening for Foals and Mystery Jets. Have they given you any advice ?

“You can do anything you want as long as it makes sense”

 « Inspired by the Nolan Sisters »… That’s quite an unusual reference ! How come ???

The Nolan Sisters were the creative peak of the 20th century, end of.

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The Nolans are an Irish-English girl group who formed in 1974 as The Nolan Sisters, before changing their name in 1980. They are best known for their hit single “I’m In the Mood for Dancing”. Released in December 1979, the song reached number three in the UK in February 1980 and topped the Japanese charts in November 1980.



Finally, since Sodwee stands for Sound of the Week, what would be YOUR sound of the week ?

Definitely Golden Gal by Animal Collective !

Follow Declan McKenna on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram | Twitter

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