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Lostchild is an emerging singer/songwriter/producer from a small town called Banbury in Oxfordshire, UK. He is slowly making a name for himself by releasing electro-pop driven by rousing choruses. My first Lostchild experience was ‘Soothe’, a slow burning alt-pop jam with an ear-worm of a hook, his newer output doesn’t disappoint.

S.A.M. is the title of the new single, an introspective reflection on a love that could have been. As Lostchild describes, the track is ‘A four minute apology to my ex boyfriend. I didn’t appreciate how good I had it, and to this day I’ve never had a connection with another person in the way I had a connection with him. We’ve both moved on and remained friends, but I could’ve been so much better to him.’

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Follow Lostchild on : Facebook | Twitter | Soundcloud | Instagram

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