Dark Light

I just have to give a nod to artists and bands that do not take themselves too seriously. And in this day and age, it’s a rather rare occurrence. When you come across someone who comes off as un-phased and quite possibly wouldn’t give zero fucks, it’s kind of refreshing. At the end of the day it’s about the music, if it stands out enough to spark an interest and if you manage to sustain that interest long enough to convert it into some long-lasting relationship with your audience.

Well today was one of these days. Wolfy only just submitted her track “I Can’t Lie” featuring her best friend Caitlin Notey a.k.a. Huxlee to us after we had conscientiously gone through a mountain of other submissions to find no gold we could potentially feature. Until the very last track of the day and we had a revelation. Wolfy impersonates everything you’d expect from a sardonic no-nonsense blues/rock/punk, indie woman from Los Angeles would sound and act like. Picture the ever so cynically brilliant Daria Morgendorffer -from the cartoon sitcom- as she dodges situations she couldn’t care less about and image Wolfy in real life… Her little biography and backstory to the track was very witty and fun to read, and I’d say the same about the track itself:

Madison Scheckel is her civil name, Wolfy her stage name. She’ll be 25 years old in three days (as we post this on August 31st) and can be seen roaming the Californian city of Los Angeles

Wolfy wrote and produced an EP that features all of her most talented, best dressed, least annoying friends.

The track “I Can’t Lie” sounds “garage-y, psych-y indie rock”. For fans of “The Black Keys with a better singer. hell, ANY band with a better singer.” she says. Wolfy also notes that she co-wrote it on pure analog gear with Shane & Tyler Fogerty at their home studio, Radio Astro.

Here’s a behind the scenes video from the session:

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Follow Wolfy on: Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram

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