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Five new tracks that have instantly caught our attention lately. There’s music for all tastes today in our Cloud Droppings #SPRING IS DEFINITELY COMING edition. Discover, like and share around with your friends. Make sure you also follow these artists as they update their socials often.

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“You probably weren’t expecting to hear an Irish guy singing in French, right? Don’t question it; just enjoy the coolly psychedelic “C’est La” from David Hopkins. (And in case you are worried, oui: il chante en français et en anglais.)” via TheRevue.ca[/tab] [tab title=”MTMBO”]

“Richie Matembo (MTMBO), as we’ve stated before, is extremely under the radar based on the quality alternative-soul he’s been releasing.”. via HillyDilly
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The pair made some waves at the end of 2017 when they played Pitchfork’s Vant Garde festival in Paris and found some coverage online from our friends at Culturez Vous and Pause Musicale, but for me its the release of their second single, ‘Skip’, that I just can’t get out of my head. via The Blue Walrus
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“New England-native Woodson Black of Haux releases his latest single for “Arrows”. Defined by Haux’s dreamy hush, “Arrows” is soft and minimal. via At Cost Magazine.
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“Maths Time Joy, the project of British producer and songwriter Timothy James, has announced the release of a new EP. Sunset Motel‘ is set for release this Spring.” via SonOfMartketing.
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