Dark Light

I have a Mount-Fuji-like of things to do before I jet off to the middle east. Here’s a memo for myself :

  • Empty my locker at the hotel, it’s full of nonsense, I got about 20 pens, 6 cork-screws and hundreds of bottle caps (from the time I used to empty my pockets from a shift into that locker). DONE !
  • Get a brand new ID card.
  • Get a shiny new French Passport.
  • Get Photographs of myself taken in Business Attire, meaning with a suit so, in the unfortunate case of me tresspassing in a plane crash, they’d have a cool looking photo of me to publish in newspapers, and of course with SkyBlue backdrop : the standard in this industry.
  • Get brothers and folks official papers (Birth Certificates & passports) scanned and mailed to Emirates HR, for traval benefits.
  • Get written references from former employers/managers.
  • Get letter of resignation from the WestShite Hotel Paris.
  • Pack for Dubai.
  • Say goodbye to everyone, maybe organise something here in Paris.
  • Plan a little getaway in Toulouse with Doodles and the crew.
  • Go to Dentist for a few removals here and there, fillings etc…
  • Sort out the iPhone hooha with, get it officially unblocked by Orange.
  • Banking details.
  • Scan important papers…

I could go on for ages. So yeah, Ben will be a busy boy in the future weeks, but at least I won’t have to drag my arse down to place Vendôme! and will be able to enjoy the peeps I haven’t seen in a while too !

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