Dark Light

Here are some pictures I gathered from other batchmates. Don’t we look zzzzzzexxxxy ?! I am one lucky fella ! Otherwise, we have a big test tomorrow on General Safety, Loose Emergency Equipment and Drills. Have been studying this evening, around 2 hours sharp. I’m in good condition. Heating salads Mum, you should be proud of ya boy ! Erm still hot’n’sticky out here. Tanning gently. Big week ahead. So will be posting sporadicaly for the next few days ! Your comments are welcome ! Oh yeah and this guy deserves our hats off : Jeremy, BORN TO ENTERTAIN (cracks everyone up anytime for free !). Great Spirit !

 Jeremy Grech - Airboy - Sodwee - Emirates

jeremy - gilbert - matt at emirates training sodwee airboy

  1. Just to say thank you, your blog is most entertaining… thanks for letting us share this journy with you… great and keep it up!

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