Dark Light

Hey it’s been a success right from the start ! You peeps have been pouring in the blog since it’s very first day. Many of you come from Northern America and also a lot from Asia. I receive dozens of emails daily, I’m sorry in advance to those I have yet to respond but I’m not always in front of the computer. I really need to clear the backlog ASAP.

So here are the statistics, they range from 4th of February 2008 to 30th July 2008 :

  • The blog is 220 posts old
  • We have 3227 tags registered
  • 29 899 unique visitors
  • 65 774 page views
  • 53,86 % of you use Firefox (applause)
  • 749 of you have visited the blog between 26 and 50 times in that period
  • 583 of you are addicted to Airboy, visited the blog between 101 and 200 times in that period (wow)
  • 11,24 % have typed in airboy.sodwee.com directly in your address bar
  • 64,92 % have found the blog with links on other websites
  • 23,84 % of you used a search engine to find Airboy (google generally)
  • “Airboy” is the top keyword used to find the blog in search engines followed closely by “Sodwee” then “Emirates Cabin Crew”
  • You guys downloaded a whopping 153 981 mp3s worth 259.7 Gigabytes or 71% of my total bandwith

All in all this is great ! We recently introduced google ads on various pages so we can cover the costs of hosting all these mp3s as well as the blog. If you want to help please click on the ad in the left column of the blog, you’ll see it at the bottom…
Relating to the popularity of the blog so far, we get dozens of emails every day asking questions on how to join the Cabin Crew team of Emirates, a majority of you guys ask genuine questions but sometimes I open my inbox only to find very funny/weird emails. The last one to date was from Amber, the email read :

My name is Amber,i am 22 years old,graduate in commerce line.i also done it english language course and computers.plz find job 4 me in ur feiled.

I only just woke up when I got this, and didn’t realize how amazing this was until I came back to it a few hours later ! This is the best email to date, Amber you get the GOLDENemail Award for making my day ! I didn’t reply yet, actually I don’t know what to reply. If you guys have questions please refer to the FAQ and other Emirates related posts BEFORE you send an email. If a question is not answered within the blog I am most happy to reply to your emails, but please be sensible !

Also, some of you have sent in enquiries about ticketing and bookings with Emirates, just a reminder, I’m not a travel agent, please refer to www.emirates.com for information about your trips and ticketing.

  1. Hi My name is george i would like to know if i can get the english ,math and psicology test for emirates airline i want to know how the look like plz can you tell me how i wll get them

  2. Dear AIRBOY

    Some people who had an interview with emirates and they did not pass they have been changed thier email and apply again and one of them is working now as cabin crew what about that if i cahnge my email and apply again it will work and they will not find out

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