Dark Light

SDW#030 is now out and available to the wisest. To be handled with great care. It features a brand new song from Britney Spears. The kind of “Toxic” track thought a little dirtier to say the least. It seems she is back well and kicking. If the rest of the album is anything along these last three tracks to have surfaced, then we’re on for some crazy shit !! I’m telling you. Otherwise I’d strongly recommend the Recession Song by Yan Wagner that dropped on the latest Kitsune Parisien compilation. Quite the feel good track ya know …

Finally into heavyweights : Justice with their Civilization and a million drums that went viral a few days ago thanks to Adidas and their commercial. It was played live in Marseille already. But here’s the full shaaaAbang in High Q [Download or Die]

Before I go, Don’t forget to grab The Dead Weather’s Treat Me Like Your Mother, the Z-trip remix, it is a concentrate of Mosshart sexyness as you’d expect and is NOT TO BE MISSED ! Enjoy. As Always, this Sample pack is available as a per track download basis or as a ZIP file + Cover art amaazingness…

[download id=”385,386,387,388,389,390,391,392,393,394,395,396″]

Download the .ZIP file : [download id=”384″]

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