Dark Light

Plainview, this talented producer (and personal favorite) we featured in a few posts already just dropped a somptuous track called “Death Hand Grapple”. Lo and behold, this track is a total ode to morning rises after a night of debauchery. Sunshine through windows gently taking care of your sweat+smoke+grease after party skin complexion, ashtray-mouth abomination, and general lazy-ass attitude indulgence will have this tune as a perfect soundtrack to your Sunday afternoon rebirth or return from the dead (depends how you see it). Give it a play and download at will (and of course follow Ze Sir on those social platforms we all love and loath…) enjoy :

Plainview – Dead Hand Grapple [audio:https://sodwee.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/01-Dead-Hand-Grapple.mp3]

Passport :

Azealia Banks – 212 (Plainview Remix) [audio:https://sodwee.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/212-Plainview-Remix.mp3]

Follow Plainview on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter

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